April Issue of BodyTalk is Available!
your free copy of BodyTalk Magazine!
the cover of our April - May - June edition is bodybuilding's "Iron
Man" Bill Pearl. Bill is featured in
another installment of Bodybuilding History by Tom
Minichiello. Also on the cover is the Bench Monster, Ryan
Kennelly and he advises Monster Muscle magazine's
Sean Katterle on how to Blast Your Benchpress
into Orbit!
out our Hot Bodz model, Nalani Johnson.
She's also our web model feature.
also got photos from the 16th Annual Arnold Fitness
Weekend, an article by Shiloe Steinmetz on
the designer steroid, THG and articles by
the Fitness Made Simple Guru, John
Basedow. To close it out, we have training tips from Bodybuilding
Champion Big Al Fortney & Canadian Pro
Fitness champion, Linda Cusmano.